IMPERIAL POWER Gold, diamonds, sapphire (200 carats), diamond (46.92 carats), silver Height 24 cm with a cross ball circumference 48 cm 1762 In preparation for the coronation of Catherine II, only two weeks before the significant event remembered the power, and it became clear that the gems with powers of Empress Elizabeth long shot, and gold - "put into it." In an unusually short period of time the court jeweler GF Eckart was given a new power. In a small bowl with immaculately polished gold surface on the basis of a low profiled power gave the impression of luxury products thanks to diamond-studded girdle and poluobruchu with a cross on top. These diamond garlands are taken directly from the dress of Catherine. At the beginning of the 70s of the XVIII century power was decorated with two stones, to change its general appearance. Between openwork diamond cross and poluobruchem was placed in a huge sapphire surrounded by diamonds weighing 200 carats, and a junction poluobrucha with belt - a large diamond weighing 46.92 carats, perfectly clean stone with a bluish tint. LARGE IMPERIAL CROWN Made in 1762 for the coronation of the Empress Catherine the Great's court jeweler George Eckart and Jeremiah Posier. In 4936 the crown diamonds weighing 2,858 carats and 75 pearls. Crowned with the crown of the most expensive in the world of red spinel, which has no in the world. Acquired in 1676, the Chinese Emperor Kangxi, this stone for a long time erroneously considered a ruby. In the movie "The Elusive Avengers: Crown of the Russian Empire" unfolds precisely around this regalia. In reality, Diamond Crown also had to travel. For about 30 years the stones held in Ireland, where to hit immediately after the Russian Revolution as collateral for financial support from friendly Irish Republicans. V. Borovikovskiy. "Paul I in the crown, dalmatic and signs the Order of Malta." 1820 (?) SMALL imperial crown diamonds and silver. Height 13 cm with a cross in 1801. Masters J. and J. Duval Duval Duval brothers was made for the coronation of Empress Elizabeth. AGRAF large buckle- Diamonds Silver Length 25 cm, width of 8 to 11 cm in the 1750s. Posier Master I. This buckle fastened during the coronation celebrations mantle, lined with ermine.Diamond Crown Gold, silver, precious stones 1682 - 1687g. Altabasnaya Hat (Siberia). In 1684. Cap of Monomakh breastplates Gold, silver, enamel, diamonds 8 x 4.5 cm Starting XVIII century Badges with a miniature of Peter I were king of personal awards and is considered the highest award for service to the state. BRACELET with a portrait of Alexander I under the flat diamond It the largest of the portrait of diamonds that have ever been used in the world. Stone of rare beauty and purity. Signs of the Order of St. Andrew - oblique cross with the image of the crucified St.. Andrew and the star, which was worn on the left chest Portrait of Count Grigory Kushelev with children. 1801 ORNAMENT Ribbons Hats Diamonds, rubies, gold, silver 8.5 x 8.5 cm end of the XVIII century, the semicircle with the cross was one of the signs of the Order of St.. Catherine. "Golden Fleece" - the oldest Spanish award, instituted in 1429 godu.Z Gold, diamonds, silver, topaz 6.2 x 6.2 cm middle of the XIX century medallion with emerald gold, silver, emerald 250 carat diamonds Middle XIX centuryin the past a significant part in the creation of the Diamond Fund took the court jeweler Jeremiah Posier who worked for Elizabeth and Catherine the Great - two avid kollektsionerok. To Elizabeth, he created a series of bouquets of colored Brazilian diamonds, emeralds, pearls, crystal and gold. "BIG BOUQUET" Diamonds, emeralds, gold, silver 16 x 21 cm near 1760 Served corsage decoration of ceremonial dress. First he decorated toilet Empress Elizabeth. Paryura Bandeau Tiara and Earrings Diamonds, gold, silver, enamel 1750sbouquet of daffodils Diamonds, gold, silver, enamel 18.8 x 8.5 cm The second half of the XVIII century Decoration corsage ladies dresses. 1750s. Egret- decoration for hairstyles or hats PORTBUKET Diamonds, gold, silver, enamel 13.5 x 8 cm near 1770 Portbuket attached to the bodice using the wide hairpin. Hollow on the inside, he served as a miniature vase for flowers. TOURMALINE pink, gold, enamel 4 x 2.7 x 2.3 cm rare beauty and color of stone weighing about 255 carats, probably brought from Burma, unusual faceted in the form of a bunch of grapes . Tourmaline was presented to the Empress Catherine II, the Swedish King Gustav III in 1777. hats DOLLS PANDORA Diamonds, emeralds, rubies, gold, silver, enamel 8 x 6.5 x 4 cm 1770s This hat - miniature sample ladies fashion 1770's. Since fashion magazines appeared in Russia only at the end of the XVIII century, before the court ladies used to select outfits dressed dolls, which became known as "Pandora" (razoritelnitsami). In Greek mythology, there is a legend about how the gods created the beautiful Pandora to avenge their Enraged people. Hephaestus molded her out of clay the best, and Athena dressed in luxurious silver dress and crowned with a golden crown. According to the plan of Zeus, the beauty was to bring people to misfortune, temptation and ruin. And so it happened. Ballroom apparel XVIII century sometimes cost a fortune. Doll Pandora carried temptation secular fashionistas, and their fathers and husbands - ruin. Paryura Banteay SKLAVAZH and EARRINGS Empress Catherine II. silver, diamonds, spinels, gold 11,5h11 see. 1764. Master Leopold Pfisterer. BROOCH "Ceylon Sapphire" Diamonds, Ceylon sapphire. Ser. 19th. 260 carats of exceptional purity and brightness of the stone. "Ceylon Sapphire" in 1862 acquired Alexander II at the World Exhibition in London as a gift to his wife - Empress Maria Alexandrovna. Chubukov EMERALD - table deep dark green background with a bluish nadtsvetom. Her weight - 136.25 carats. With rare purity "Emerald Table" can not compete no stone in the world. But no line archive does not reveal his past, as well as the master's name exquisite brooch with diamonds in which it is inserted. We only know that the brooch is made at the beginning of the XIX century to the Grand Duke Constantine Pavlovich, the successor of Paul I. Peridot weight 192.6-carat diamond "SHAH" 88-carat diamond yellowish tint, found in the river, it has retained its original form: just some of the faces it polished. On it were written by a thread and diamond powder names of three of its first owners - Eastern rulers. In 1824, he was brought to Nicholas I of Persia, to pay off for the murder of the great author of "Woe from Wit" AS Griboyedov ... DIAMOND "EAGLES" According to one version, it is one of the larger fragments of stone "Great Mogul", originally weighed 400 carats after cutting - 189 carats. As legend has it, the diamond has long been the third eye (located between the eyebrows), the statue of Brahma temple in Seringapatam. Traces of the famous diamond lost to the time until he was in the hands of the Armenian merchant Grigory Safrasa. In 1767, he put a diamond in Amsterdam bank, and five years later sold the stone for 125 000 rubles nephew of his wife, the court jeweler Ivan Lazarev, who sold it to the graph G. Orlov has over four thousand, a lifetime pension of two thousand rubles, and of nobility. Grigory Orlov Andrey Black GG Eagles hoping to return the location of Catherine II in her birthday November 24, 1773 (old style) gave the Empress a precious diamond. Prince von Solms, the Prussian ambassador to Russia, in 1773 reported to his emperor of the celebration of the festivities in honor of the Patron Saint Catherine II: «Among the gifts presented to the queen, and you could see the amazing beauty of the largest diamond gift Count Grigory Orlov."Ivan Petrovich Argunov Portrait of Catherine II Goskhran. Imperial jewels. 1923 In the 70s of the last century there was Gokhran jewelry laboratory. In boring 70s, when our women wore stamped "seals", rings with huge artificial boulders and the same miserable earrings in the form of rhombs, squares and "tulips", here artists worked wonders and created works of art DIADEM "RUSSIAN BEAUTY" 1987Platinum, Diamond 1000, 25 large teardrop pearls DIADEM "RUSSIAN FIELD" Gold, silver, diamonds, roses Master Nikolayev. 70 years of the twentieth century DECORATION "Diamond Rose" Diamond, Platinum, 10 x 15 cm; 222, 11 g 1974 Artist Jewellers Nikolaev Nikolaev, G. Alexakhin
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Imperial Jewels of the Diamond Fund of Russia

IMPERIAL POWER Gold, diamonds, sapphire (200 carats), diamond (46.92 carats), silver Height 24 cm with a cross ball circumference 48 cm 1762 In preparation for the coronation of Catherine II, only two weeks before the significant event remembered the power, and it became clear that the gems with powers of Empress Elizabeth long shot, and gold - "put into it." In an unusually short period of time the court jeweler GF Eckart was given a new power. In a small bowl with immaculately polished gold surface on the basis of a low profiled power gave the impression of luxury products thanks to diamond-studded girdle and poluobruchu with a cross on top. These diamond garlands are taken directly from the dress of Catherine. At the beginning of the 70s of the XVIII century power was decorated with two stones, to change its general appearance. Between openwork diamond cross and poluobruchem was placed in a huge sapphire surrounded by diamonds weighing 200 carats, and a junction poluobrucha with belt - a large diamond weighing 46.92 carats, perfectly clean stone with a bluish tint. LARGE IMPERIAL CROWN Made in 1762 for the coronation of the Empress Catherine the Great's court jeweler George Eckart and Jeremiah Posier. In 4936 the crown diamonds weighing 2,858 carats and 75 pearls. Crowned with the crown of the most expensive in the world of red spinel, which has no in the world. Acquired in 1676, the Chinese Emperor Kangxi, this stone for a long time erroneously considered a ruby. In the movie "The Elusive Avengers: Crown of the Russian Empire" unfolds precisely around this regalia. In reality, Diamond Crown also had to travel. For about 30 years the stones held in Ireland, where to hit immediately after the Russian Revolution as collateral for financial support from friendly Irish Republicans. V. Borovikovskiy. "Paul I in the crown, dalmatic and signs the Order of Malta." 1820 (?) SMALL imperial crown diamonds and silver. Height 13 cm with a cross in 1801. Masters J. and J. Duval Duval Duval brothers was made for the coronation of Empress Elizabeth. AGRAF large buckle- Diamonds Silver Length 25 cm, width of 8 to 11 cm in the 1750s. Posier Master I. This buckle fastened during the coronation celebrations mantle, lined with ermine.Diamond Crown Gold, silver, precious stones 1682 - 1687g. Altabasnaya Hat (Siberia). In 1684. Cap of Monomakh breastplates Gold, silver, enamel, diamonds 8 x 4.5 cm Starting XVIII century Badges with a miniature of Peter I were king of personal awards and is considered the highest award for service to the state. BRACELET with a portrait of Alexander I under the flat diamond It the largest of the portrait of diamonds that have ever been used in the world. Stone of rare beauty and purity. Signs of the Order of St. Andrew - oblique cross with the image of the crucified St.. Andrew and the star, which was worn on the left chest Portrait of Count Grigory Kushelev with children. 1801 ORNAMENT Ribbons Hats Diamonds, rubies, gold, silver 8.5 x 8.5 cm end of the XVIII century, the semicircle with the cross was one of the signs of the Order of St.. Catherine. "Golden Fleece" - the oldest Spanish award, instituted in 1429 godu.Z Gold, diamonds, silver, topaz 6.2 x 6.2 cm middle of the XIX century medallion with emerald gold, silver, emerald 250 carat diamonds Middle XIX centuryin the past a significant part in the creation of the Diamond Fund took the court jeweler Jeremiah Posier who worked for Elizabeth and Catherine the Great - two avid kollektsionerok. To Elizabeth, he created a series of bouquets of colored Brazilian diamonds, emeralds, pearls, crystal and gold. "BIG BOUQUET" Diamonds, emeralds, gold, silver 16 x 21 cm near 1760 Served corsage decoration of ceremonial dress. First he decorated toilet Empress Elizabeth. Paryura Bandeau Tiara and Earrings Diamonds, gold, silver, enamel 1750sbouquet of daffodils Diamonds, gold, silver, enamel 18.8 x 8.5 cm The second half of the XVIII century Decoration corsage ladies dresses. 1750s. Egret- decoration for hairstyles or hats PORTBUKET Diamonds, gold, silver, enamel 13.5 x 8 cm near 1770 Portbuket attached to the bodice using the wide hairpin. Hollow on the inside, he served as a miniature vase for flowers. TOURMALINE pink, gold, enamel 4 x 2.7 x 2.3 cm rare beauty and color of stone weighing about 255 carats, probably brought from Burma, unusual faceted in the form of a bunch of grapes . Tourmaline was presented to the Empress Catherine II, the Swedish King Gustav III in 1777. hats DOLLS PANDORA Diamonds, emeralds, rubies, gold, silver, enamel 8 x 6.5 x 4 cm 1770s This hat - miniature sample ladies fashion 1770's. Since fashion magazines appeared in Russia only at the end of the XVIII century, before the court ladies used to select outfits dressed dolls, which became known as "Pandora" (razoritelnitsami). In Greek mythology, there is a legend about how the gods created the beautiful Pandora to avenge their Enraged people. Hephaestus molded her out of clay the best, and Athena dressed in luxurious silver dress and crowned with a golden crown. According to the plan of Zeus, the beauty was to bring people to misfortune, temptation and ruin. And so it happened. Ballroom apparel XVIII century sometimes cost a fortune. Doll Pandora carried temptation secular fashionistas, and their fathers and husbands - ruin. Paryura Banteay SKLAVAZH and EARRINGS Empress Catherine II. silver, diamonds, spinels, gold 11,5h11 see. 1764. Master Leopold Pfisterer. BROOCH "Ceylon Sapphire" Diamonds, Ceylon sapphire. Ser. 19th. 260 carats of exceptional purity and brightness of the stone. "Ceylon Sapphire" in 1862 acquired Alexander II at the World Exhibition in London as a gift to his wife - Empress Maria Alexandrovna. Chubukov EMERALD - table deep dark green background with a bluish nadtsvetom. Her weight - 136.25 carats. With rare purity "Emerald Table" can not compete no stone in the world. But no line archive does not reveal his past, as well as the master's name exquisite brooch with diamonds in which it is inserted. We only know that the brooch is made at the beginning of the XIX century to the Grand Duke Constantine Pavlovich, the successor of Paul I. Peridot weight 192.6-carat diamond "SHAH" 88-carat diamond yellowish tint, found in the river, it has retained its original form: just some of the faces it polished. On it were written by a thread and diamond powder names of three of its first owners - Eastern rulers. In 1824, he was brought to Nicholas I of Persia, to pay off for the murder of the great author of "Woe from Wit" AS Griboyedov ... DIAMOND "EAGLES" According to one version, it is one of the larger fragments of stone "Great Mogul", originally weighed 400 carats after cutting - 189 carats. As legend has it, the diamond has long been the third eye (located between the eyebrows), the statue of Brahma temple in Seringapatam. Traces of the famous diamond lost to the time until he was in the hands of the Armenian merchant Grigory Safrasa. In 1767, he put a diamond in Amsterdam bank, and five years later sold the stone for 125 000 rubles nephew of his wife, the court jeweler Ivan Lazarev, who sold it to the graph G. Orlov has over four thousand, a lifetime pension of two thousand rubles, and of nobility. Grigory Orlov Andrey Black GG Eagles hoping to return the location of Catherine II in her birthday November 24, 1773 (old style) gave the Empress a precious diamond. Prince von Solms, the Prussian ambassador to Russia, in 1773 reported to his emperor of the celebration of the festivities in honor of the Patron Saint Catherine II: «Among the gifts presented to the queen, and you could see the amazing beauty of the largest diamond gift Count Grigory Orlov."Ivan Petrovich Argunov Portrait of Catherine II Goskhran. Imperial jewels. 1923 In the 70s of the last century there was Gokhran jewelry laboratory. In boring 70s, when our women wore stamped "seals", rings with huge artificial boulders and the same miserable earrings in the form of rhombs, squares and "tulips", here artists worked wonders and created works of art DIADEM "RUSSIAN BEAUTY" 1987Platinum, Diamond 1000, 25 large teardrop pearls DIADEM "RUSSIAN FIELD" Gold, silver, diamonds, roses Master Nikolayev. 70 years of the twentieth century DECORATION "Diamond Rose" Diamond, Platinum, 10 x 15 cm; 222, 11 g 1974 Artist Jewellers Nikolaev Nikolaev, G. Alexakhin

IMPERIAL POWER Gold, diamonds, sapphire (200 carats), diamond (46.92 carats), silver Height 24 cm with a cross ball circumference 48 cm 1762 In preparation for the coronation of Catherine II, only two weeks before the significant event remembered the power, and it became clear that the gems with powers of Empress Elizabeth long shot, and gold - "put into it." In an unusually short period of time the court jeweler GF Eckart was given a new power. In a small bowl with immaculately polished gold surface on the basis of a low profiled power gave the impression of luxury products thanks to diamond-studded girdle and poluobruchu with a cross on top. These diamond garlands are taken directly from the dress of Catherine. At the beginning of the 70s of the XVIII century power was decorated with two stones, to change its general appearance. Between openwork diamond cross and poluobruchem was placed in a huge sapphire surrounded by diamonds weighing 200 carats, and a junction poluobrucha with belt - a large diamond weighing 46.92 carats, perfectly clean stone with a bluish tint. LARGE IMPERIAL CROWN Made in 1762 for the coronation of the Empress Catherine the Great's court jeweler George Eckart and Jeremiah Posier. In 4936 the crown diamonds weighing 2,858 carats and 75 pearls. Crowned with the crown of the most expensive in the world of red spinel, which has no in the world. Acquired in 1676, the Chinese Emperor Kangxi, this stone for a long time erroneously considered a ruby. In the movie "The Elusive Avengers: Crown of the Russian Empire" unfolds precisely around this regalia. In reality, Diamond Crown also had to travel. For about 30 years the stones held in Ireland, where to hit immediately after the Russian Revolution as collateral for financial support from friendly Irish Republicans. V. Borovikovskiy. "Paul I in the crown, dalmatic and signs the Order of Malta." 1820 (?) SMALL imperial crown diamonds and silver. Height 13 cm with a cross in 1801. Masters J. and J. Duval Duval Duval brothers was made for the coronation of Empress Elizabeth. AGRAF large buckle- Diamonds Silver Length 25 cm, width of 8 to 11 cm in the 1750s. Posier Master I. This buckle fastened during the coronation celebrations mantle, lined with ermine.Diamond Crown Gold, silver, precious stones 1682 - 1687g. Altabasnaya Hat (Siberia). In 1684. Cap of Monomakh breastplates Gold, silver, enamel, diamonds 8 x 4.5 cm Starting XVIII century Badges with a miniature of Peter I were king of personal awards and is considered the highest award for service to the state. BRACELET with a portrait of Alexander I under the flat diamond It the largest of the portrait of diamonds that have ever been used in the world. Stone of rare beauty and purity. Signs of the Order of St. Andrew - oblique cross with the image of the crucified St.. Andrew and the star, which was worn on the left chest Portrait of Count Grigory Kushelev with children. 1801 ORNAMENT Ribbons Hats Diamonds, rubies, gold, silver 8.5 x 8.5 cm end of the XVIII century, the semicircle with the cross was one of the signs of the Order of St.. Catherine. "Golden Fleece" - the oldest Spanish award, instituted in 1429 godu.Z Gold, diamonds, silver, topaz 6.2 x 6.2 cm middle of the XIX century medallion with emerald gold, silver, emerald 250 carat diamonds Middle XIX centuryin the past a significant part in the creation of the Diamond Fund took the court jeweler Jeremiah Posier who worked for Elizabeth and Catherine the Great - two avid kollektsionerok. To Elizabeth, he created a series of bouquets of colored Brazilian diamonds, emeralds, pearls, crystal and gold. "BIG BOUQUET" Diamonds, emeralds, gold, silver 16 x 21 cm near 1760 Served corsage decoration of ceremonial dress. First he decorated toilet Empress Elizabeth. Paryura Bandeau Tiara and Earrings Diamonds, gold, silver, enamel 1750sbouquet of daffodils Diamonds, gold, silver, enamel 18.8 x 8.5 cm The second half of the XVIII century Decoration corsage ladies dresses. 1750s. Egret- decoration for hairstyles or hats PORTBUKET Diamonds, gold, silver, enamel 13.5 x 8 cm near 1770 Portbuket attached to the bodice using the wide hairpin. Hollow on the inside, he served as a miniature vase for flowers. TOURMALINE pink, gold, enamel 4 x 2.7 x 2.3 cm rare beauty and color of stone weighing about 255 carats, probably brought from Burma, unusual faceted in the form of a bunch of grapes . Tourmaline was presented to the Empress Catherine II, the Swedish King Gustav III in 1777. hats DOLLS PANDORA Diamonds, emeralds, rubies, gold, silver, enamel 8 x 6.5 x 4 cm 1770s This hat - miniature sample ladies fashion 1770's. Since fashion magazines appeared in Russia only at the end of the XVIII century, before the court ladies used to select outfits dressed dolls, which became known as "Pandora" (razoritelnitsami). In Greek mythology, there is a legend about how the gods created the beautiful Pandora to avenge their Enraged people. Hephaestus molded her out of clay the best, and Athena dressed in luxurious silver dress and crowned with a golden crown. According to the plan of Zeus, the beauty was to bring people to misfortune, temptation and ruin. And so it happened. Ballroom apparel XVIII century sometimes cost a fortune. Doll Pandora carried temptation secular fashionistas, and their fathers and husbands - ruin. Paryura Banteay SKLAVAZH and EARRINGS Empress Catherine II. silver, diamonds, spinels, gold 11,5h11 see. 1764. Master Leopold Pfisterer. BROOCH "Ceylon Sapphire" Diamonds, Ceylon sapphire. Ser. 19th. 260 carats of exceptional purity and brightness of the stone. "Ceylon Sapphire" in 1862 acquired Alexander II at the World Exhibition in London as a gift to his wife - Empress Maria Alexandrovna. Chubukov EMERALD - table deep dark green background with a bluish nadtsvetom. Her weight - 136.25 carats. With rare purity "Emerald Table" can not compete no stone in the world. But no line archive does not reveal his past, as well as the master's name exquisite brooch with diamonds in which it is inserted. We only know that the brooch is made at the beginning of the XIX century to the Grand Duke Constantine Pavlovich, the successor of Paul I. Peridot weight 192.6-carat diamond "SHAH" 88-carat diamond yellowish tint, found in the river, it has retained its original form: just some of the faces it polished. On it were written by a thread and diamond powder names of three of its first owners - Eastern rulers. In 1824, he was brought to Nicholas I of Persia, to pay off for the murder of the great author of "Woe from Wit" AS Griboyedov ... DIAMOND "EAGLES" According to one version, it is one of the larger fragments of stone "Great Mogul", originally weighed 400 carats after cutting - 189 carats. As legend has it, the diamond has long been the third eye (located between the eyebrows), the statue of Brahma temple in Seringapatam. Traces of the famous diamond lost to the time until he was in the hands of the Armenian merchant Grigory Safrasa. In 1767, he put a diamond in Amsterdam bank, and five years later sold the stone for 125 000 rubles nephew of his wife, the court jeweler Ivan Lazarev, who sold it to the graph G. Orlov has over four thousand, a lifetime pension of two thousand rubles, and of nobility. Grigory Orlov Andrey Black GG Eagles hoping to return the location of Catherine II in her birthday November 24, 1773 (old style) gave the Empress a precious diamond. Prince von Solms, the Prussian ambassador to Russia, in 1773 reported to his emperor of the celebration of the festivities in honor of the Patron Saint Catherine II: «Among the gifts presented to the queen, and you could see the amazing beauty of the largest diamond gift Count Grigory Orlov."Ivan Petrovich Argunov Portrait of Catherine II Goskhran. Imperial jewels. 1923 In the 70s of the last century there was Gokhran jewelry laboratory. In boring 70s, when our women wore stamped "seals", rings with huge artificial boulders and the same miserable earrings in the form of rhombs, squares and "tulips", here artists worked wonders and created works of art DIADEM "RUSSIAN BEAUTY" 1987Platinum, Diamond 1000, 25 large teardrop pearls DIADEM "RUSSIAN FIELD" Gold, silver, diamonds, roses Master Nikolayev. 70 years of the twentieth century DECORATION "Diamond Rose" Diamond, Platinum, 10 x 15 cm; 222, 11 g 1974 Artist Jewellers Nikolaev Nikolaev, G. Alexakhin
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